Our online booking is £5 per room per night cheaper than other sites
Call: +44 (0) 17683 51593 – Email: info@tuftonarmshotel.co.uk
Special Offers
Spring, Summer. Winter and Weekend Breaks in Cumbria
Take advantage of our winter, summer, spring and weekend breaks in Cumbria. Enjoy a special time in Cumbria at The Tufton Arms nestled in the charming medieval town of Appleby. Explore The Eden Valley, North Pennines and Lake District. Whether simply sightseeing or undertaking more active pastimes such as hill walking, playing golf, fishing, shooting there is a wealth of things to do, see and explore.
Self Catering Serviced Apartments at The Tufton Arms
We have 2 new one bedroomed self catering serviced apartments and 1 new duplex 2 bedroomed self catering apartment all of which offer special rates for both 2 nights and over breaks and 7 nights or more breaks through out the season. Book them online here and save a further £5 per night
Salmon Fishing Breaks A 3 Day Spey Casting Courses
Over the years we have offered many 3 day spey casting courses, this year we will be offering them from February onwards for groups of 3 people at a cost of £725 per person before Easter and £825 per person from Easter onwards. Courses are always great fun and for 3 days DB&B in the hotel, 3 days fishing on Lazonby or Eden Lacy, free loan of equipment if required, lunches on the river bank, spey casting tuition and river guidance these get togethers are great value. If you are on your own do ring up and express interest and I maybe able to put courses together. Total beginners to fly fishing are very welcome as is anybody wishing to simply learn or improve their spey casting. For this Just ring Nigel at the hotel 017683 51593 (07764273640) to book or for more information
Need an unusual and original Present ?
Then have a look at our 2 day fishing breaks in the hotel with guiding and tuition all from just £425 for two people. We can email you a voucher just print it off and create an instant, but special if slightly out of the box present. Further details on our Fishing Breaks Page
Our online booking is £5 per room per night cheaper than other sites
Call: +44 (0) 17683 51593 – Email: info@tuftonarmshotel.co.uk
Tufton Arms Hotel, Market Square, Appleby in Westmorland, Cumbria CA16 6XA
Tel: +44 (0) 17683 51593 Fax: +44 (0) 17683 52761
e: info@tuftonarmshotel.co.uk
w: tuftonarmshotel.co.uk